I apologize to you for any word or my behave that are not proper in your heart.Ĩ. Let’s protect our generation from the invasion of drugs. So, lets us avoid and stay away and together with all the elements of our nation wipe out the drugs. I hope you can get a good lesson for you. A good way to prevent the corruption is start from our family.
Good morning.īagi Sobat yang mencari aplikasi bermanfaat, kami sarankan untuk mencoba mengakses situs untuk download aplikasi sepuasnya secara gratis di sana.Ħ. Thank you very much for the occasion and your kind attention. I am sorry for any words or behave that unpleasing your heart. Ia sudah ~ untuk berangkat He is ready to leave. Ia ~ dengan ayahnya He looks like his father. Perkara tersebut tidak akan di~kan ke pengadilan The aforementioned case will not be referred to court. Ia ~ tombaknya kepada saya He pointed his spear at me. Ia ~ kepada ceramahnya He referred to his lecture. Ia ~ bedilnya untuk menémbak kijang He aimed his gun to fire at a deer. ~ ia benar, pasti saja ia datang sendiri kemari Assuming that he was right, he’d have surely come here himself. tak ~ incorrect, not according to the agreement.
kode étik ~ a code of ethics for matters dealing with lawyers. PBB ~ soal itu sebagai acara pertama The UN placed that problem first on the agenda. Hakim ~ hukuman penjara lima tahun The judge imposed a sentence of five years. Pembicaraan itu akan ~ tiga soal The discussion will have three items on the agenda 3. ~ perdana/pokok principal item on the agenda. ~ penglepasan saying farewell (at airport, funeral). dancing (following more formal activities). Apakah ~ rapat nanti malam? What is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting? ~ basah(an) initiation (with water). pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a souring agent. Ibu ~ cucian dalam air sabun Mother soaked the laundry in soapy water. Roda mobil itu ~ di lumpur The car’s wheel was stuck in the mud. Seluruh kota ~ karena banjir The entire city was flooded by the rising water. Mengapa ~ pulang? Hari baru pukul tujuh Why hurry home? It is only seven. Meréka diserbu dan di~2 oléh segerombolan pengemis They were attacked and set into confusion by chaos by a gang of beggars. Ia ~ rambutnya She ran her hands through her hair. ~ blarak (Javanese) cleansing powder (of coconut frond). Langsung saja meréka nyelonong ke bangku paling depan dan ~ pantat di sana They went directly to the first row and threw their behinds onto the benches there. (Jakarta) ng~in slam or set something down with a crash. apricot.ĪBS absah absén absénsi absés absis absolusi absolut absolutisme absorpsi abstén abstrak abstraksi absur, absurd absurditas abu
Ia ~ bioskop He bought a monthly book of movie tickets. shredded meat that has been boiled and fried. mahasiswa ~ one who went as far as the university level. (in families of Arabic descent) grandfather. ~ diri kepada partainya devote oneself entirely to the Party. ~ dalam/dalem high-ranking court servant in Central Java. see abad.Īlididalemisme abdikasi abdis abdu abécé abelur abén aberasi aberikos abét abib abid1 abid2 abidin, abidun Abil abis abiturién abjad abjadiah ablak ablatif ablur ABN abnormal abnormalitas abnus abolisi abon aboné abonemén aborsi, abortus abrak abreg1 abreg2 ABRI abrikos Obat baru itu ~ keadaan payah pasién itu The new medicine lessened the suffering of the patient. ~ keadaan bahaya perang lessen the danger of war. (Javanese) one who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of one’s nominal religion. form of address to one’s husband or boyfriend usually as bang. form of address for older working-class males with whom one is not acquainted. Pegawai itu ~ perintah majikannya The employee ignored this boss’s order. Tugu itu ~ jasanya The monument immortalizes his services. naik haji dengan ~ go on a pilgrimage with father. Ia memberi ~ untuk berbaris He gave the command to line up. ~2 order, command (in calisthenics, drill practice, etc.). ~ Rp750 sebungkus at the rate of 750 rupiah for each package. ~ tapi yang curi siapa, kan kita tahu Well, but then we know who stole it, don't we? at (the rate of). ~ ndak, kalau gitu Oh no, not if it is that way. A a1 a2 a3 a4, aa AA AAL aam aau AAU AB1 AB2 aba1